Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hey Hackers - Why Don't You Do Some Good For Once?

OK, guys. How about getting with the program and doing some good for once? I mean, really. Your main goal in life is to see how much mischief you can do by hacking into someone's web site and data servers and such, right? All you are really looking for is for people to pay attention to you, right?

Well - how about this? There are all those middle-eastern terrorist web sites that proclaim hate and feature the videos of people being brutally tortured and beheaded. Why don't you use some of those skills of yours to deface their web sites? Talk about a juicy target for your own cyber-terrorism abilities. Do you have any idea how much publicity that would get you? MSNBC would be all over it, and you could point to the tube (while eating Cheetos and drinking Jolt Cola) and say "See that? I did that! Heh, heh, heh, heh..." Talk about fifteen minutes of fame. You would be heroes in the American public eye, and it would keep you busy and away from our stuff for awhile. And since you are so good at staying anonymous, it would drive those terrorist bastards absolutely nuts. They would spend all their time trying to find YOU instead of blowing up our buildings and such.

Just a thought.

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